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Mironekuton® is used as mineral supplement and water conditioner during the cycling phase of the tank and thus can benefit the development of the important microorganisms in the filter and the ground from the beginning. When the tank runs, Mironekuton® gives off minerals constantly and thus provides the inhabitants and the useful helpers in your tank with the minerals they so desperatly require.In addition to all these positive characteristics, Mironekuton® stabilizes the pH value and thus prevents dangerous pH plunges. It sustains total hardness (GH), improves the water quality as well as the ion exchange capacity and provides for better plant growth and root formation, enhancing photosynthesis and the formation of oxygen. It absorbs noxious substances, makes the water crystal clear and removes odours.
Please note:Mironekuton® has a pH of 7.4. A high dosage added to soft water will raise the pH value and total hardness and will also have a small impact on carbonate hardness (KH). These characteristics are important for stable water parameters and a well-balanced bacterial flora in your tank. Verifiable by common water tests, minerals are given off slowly and continuously, thus offering a great advantage against artificial and /or quickly soluble mineral additives.