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Taiwan International Ornamental Shrimp Competition 2017 results!

Posted by Mad Shrimp on
Taiwan International Ornamental Shrimp Competition 2017 results!

Hi guys! The past few days, I was in Taiwan for annual International Ornamental Shrimp Competition for 2017. Although I did not win in any of the category that I have registered, it was still an extraordinary experience and I am glad that I was there.

Here are the official results of the shrimp competition. Most of the hobbyist have registered their team names with their alias, you can probably search them on Facebook to contact them if you would like to purchase their shrimps.

The grand champion of the entire shrimp competition was 謝吉 with his astonishing red tiger in the tiger bee category. You can check his Facebook out at the link on his name. Unfortunately I didn’t took a video of the shrimps, but I manage to find a video sent by a friend.

SL-Aqua was represented by 雀雀私語-湯閎予 and we are very humbled to have won a total of 6 prizes with 4 champions in it! These are the categories and prizes that 雀雀私語-湯閎予 have won:

  1. Blue Bolt Shrimp – Champion
  2. Crystal Black Shrimp Hinomaru – Champion
  3. Wine Red Mosura – Champion
  4. Fishbone Pinto – Champion
  5. Overall Crystal Black Shrimp Category – First Runner Up
  6. Overall Wine Red Category – Second Runner Up

Here I am receiving one of the prize on behalf of 雀雀私語-湯閎予, what an honour and experience to be receiving an award from Silane with my eyes closed LOL.

The shrimps are judged by local and international judges, here is the list of judges:

I am sure many of you are curious about the procedures of how the shrimps are being put into the tanks all the way till it’s being judged, so I would like to share them base on my experience through this competition.

Before the start of the event, contestants would have to register their interest online and have to make the necessary payments. They allow on the spot registration but you would have to probably queue for it. So I did my registration online and all I had to do was just to fill up the application form over there.

After all the necessary administrative work was done, you will be issued with a pair of stickers for each category that you have registered. The stickers would look something like this.

Each alphabet would represent a category and the number would represent yourself. So for example O category would represent the blue bolt category and I am contestant #18. After you have collected your stickers, you have to queue in an orderly manner to put your shrimps into the tank.

The tanks are half filled with mineral water and some soil, so you would have to pack more of your tank water to acclimatise your shrimps smoothly and quickly. They do have a rule that once you have poured your tank water into the tank, you cannot remove any water from the tank.

There will be representatives from the event to assist you, they will be guiding you to the tanks that you are suppose to put your shrimps in, once you have put your shrimps into the tanks, you would have to paste one of the stickers on the tank and the other sticker is for your to redeem your shrimps when the entire event is over, about 4 days later.

The overall time spent to acclimatise one tank of shrimp was about three minutes for me, on average, the other contestant spent a lot less time than I did.

They have allocated 2 hours, 10am to 12pm for you to register and acclimatise your shrimps into the tanks. Thereafter, the shrimps will be judged at 1pm and the results will be consolidated the day after.

Here is an example of the shrimp tank after it has been judged. The winners will be identified by the stickers that is being paste above the tanks as you can see in the pictures.

It was a fun and exciting event, and definitely learnt a lot during my short stay here. Definitely hope that ornamental shrimp in Singapore would grow with events like this in the coming future!

I will be sharing some videos and pictures of the competition in my next post, and also some videos which I have taken during the exhibition event so stay tune for it!

Lastly, I do apologise for the poor quality of pictures because they were all taken by my iPhone. Have fun shrimping!

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